Help is on the way.

How to prepare for your in-home consult.

Upon booking, you will receive two e-mails. The first is a confirmation email containing the date and time of your visit as well as additional helpful details and instructions for the day of the consultation. The second contains the necessary consent and intake forms for our visit. These need to be completed 24-hours before our scheduled consultation. Please keep in mind that if the consent forms are not signed and returned 24 hours before the visit, then we will not be able to keep the visit and will need to reschedule. If the intake forms are not completed, then 15-20 minutes of your consult will be used up finishing these forms.

Due to COVID, I will send out a screening questionnaire to be filled out within 24 hours of our schedule visit. If circumstances make it unsafe to continue with our scheduled visit then alternative arrangements will be arranged.

It is helpful if your baby is ready to eat about 15-30 minutes after I arrive, so we have time to talk. But if your baby does get hungry, feel free to give a small feeding. And don’t stress if the timing doesn’t work out, I can work with whatever is going on. 

Please clear a space on a table or the floor for my scale. I don’t need much room, but the surface does need to be stable. I will weigh your baby naked to establish a baseline weight and then in a dry diaper or clothed before we work on feeding.

I am an animal lover, but because pets can be unpredictable after a new baby arrives, especially towards strangers, please have your dogs and cats in another room when I arrive.

I will be charging you the full fee at the time of the visit and will provide you with a superbill for insurance reimbursement. Learn more about breastfeeding and the Affordable Care Act here.

How to prepare for your telehealth consult.

Upon booking you will receive a confirmation email containing the necessary consent and intake forms for our visit. The consent forms MUST be signed and returned in order for me sign onto our virtual call. It is best if the intake forms are filled out prior to our consult, otherwise we will need around 20 minutes to complete them during the consultation.

It is helpful if your baby is ready to eat about 15 minutes after the start of our appointment, so we have time to talk. If your baby does get hungry then feel free to give a small feeding. Don’t stress if the timing doesn’t work out. I can work with whatever is going on.

A functional oral assessment is an important part of a consultation. Since we are meeting virtually, I ask that you take photos and/or a video of your baby's mouth to assist me in having a more complete understanding of your situation. Please visit this blog for an excellent tutorial on how to take photos. You can send me the photos and/or video to my HIPAA complaint e-mail address or upload them into the patient portal. (

Telehealth consultations work best with a strong internet or cellular connection, good lighting, and a partner and/or helper to move the camera around if needed. 

I will be charging you the full fee at the time of the visit via invoice and will provide you with a superbill for insurance reimbursement. Learn more about breastfeeding and the Affordable Care Act here.